Wednesday, October 24, 2012

LXVI Game 1


So Tigers, it's not looking good so far.
For you I mean, and that is a fine thing.
Your game is not proving to be on par,
And you've had just three runs for all your swings.
It's true your pitching stats are pretty good,
But with his three home runs I swear it's true,
That even though their norm is bamboo wood,
Our Panda's gone carnivorous for you.
Your grey and orange doesn't pop as well,
Orange and black is a much finer gear,
In four more games I hope you will be felled,
Your beards are small and don't instill much fear.
     I'm sure there's other things that I could mock,
     But I'm all out of room for more trash talk.


  1. Showed this to a few of our Giant loving friends at work and they all seemed to get a kick out of it...
